Tag Archives: asylum seeker

Gay Pride Flag

Happy Pride! and PLEASE Help Us Find Housing!

Our 31-year-old gay Tunisian asylum seeker needs a place to stay starting about July 4th.
Please help!

As you talk to people at the Parade, at parties, and at worship services, please mention that we are looking for housing.

We need a room with access to shared bathing and cooking facilities. Ideally the housing would be in San Francisco and have the potential to extend if the host and asylum seeker are compatible.

Anyone talking today with empty nesters? Retirees with now-unused home office space? Simply generous individuals?

This is a day of celebration and fun! Let’s have a great time. And, please don’t be bashful about mentioning our urgent need for shelter.

This website, www.RefugeeGuardianGroup.org, is a good place to point people to, and, of course, I would be happy to give any additional details.

My office number is 415.647.8830 and my email address is Galen@Ozdachs.com.

Thank you… and have a Supremely Happy Day!

— Galen

Russian Asylum Seeker Gets Permission to Work

The young man seeking asylum from persecution in Russia received permission to work in the United States on Friday.

He is waiting for final granting of asylum, which would also allow him to work.  But, it has been 180 days since he applied for asylum, and US law provides that people who have been waiting like him can receive permission to work.  (See more information from NoLo Press.)

We will be going to the Social Security office with him on Monday to apply for a Social Security number.

Group Accepts New Asylum Seeker

The Guardian Group voted unanimously to accept a new asylum seeker under our care.

The man is from Nigeria who has a place in San Francisco to stay right now.

We agreed to provide the man with a decent cell phone and a MUNI pass.  We plan to enroll him for Healthy San Francisco and obtain a San Francisco ID card.

He is already in contact with an organization that assists Africans with asylum seeking.