We Need Your Help to Continue Our Work with Refugees

This week I was very very happy to have greeted a newly arrived refugee from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He has been living in South Africa for three years, and was finally scheduled on a flight to the United States.

He is a transgendered, a gay rights activist, strong, bright, sweet, and a real pleasure to know.

Suitcase with map of the world


He arrived late Thursday, and Friday was a whirlwind of bureaucracy: filing for a Social Security number, getting local cell phone SIM and plan, experiencing the joys of MUNI and the Clipper Card system. Everything went well.


It is great fun to show someone like him around San Francisco, a place his has heard about, and to show him the different people and styles blending on our streets!

But, I need your help to continue our help.

The church’s Guardian Group assisting Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transsexual Intersex refugees settle in San Francisco needs money. A reasonably good size amount of money.

Piggy Bank for DonationsIt’s been over a year since I personally have asked for money for the group. Frankly, we are pretty tightfisted and I didn’t see a need for more donations. In addition, our initial refugee clients have been in the country for over a year so their need for financial support has gone down.

Earlier this year, before our refugee from the Congo arrived, we started helping a Nigerian asylum seeker, a Ugandan asylum seeker, and a Russian asylum seeker who recently was granted asylum. Two of these men have received/are receiving help to pay for food, Clipper (transit) cards, and other similar items. We have funded these items from past gifts.

But, we need more money now. We have roughly $3,000 in our accounts, and we will need to spend about $6,000 in the next few months.

  • Our experience tell us that order to provide support for things like bus passes and basic essentials in high-cost San Francisco we will need on the average, $2,000 to assist a person his first year here. We don’t have any costs yet for supporting the refugee who arrived this week, but he’s mentioned wanting socks, rice, and other outlandish materialistic items! So, we’re budgeting $2,000 for his needs.
  • One of the men we help is seeking asylum and therefore cannot work and earn money. This week I took him shopping for his food: rice, vegetables, sandwich meat, onions, cheese.  Modest stuff, but $35.13 of modest stuff. Oh yeah, another $9.23 for protective spray for his suede shoes, and we loaded his Clipper Card up with $60.

    This is not a lot money, but he’ll need ongoing support like this each week until he is granted asylum and able to work. Waiting for the immigration court to rule took seven months for the last man we helped. Even at our careful rate of expenditure of about $40 a week, plus some lumps for transit and other needs, we will need $1,500 or so to adequately help him survive in San Francisco… at this assumes that his current free housing offer is extended until he’s eligible to work.

  • One of our longer-term refugees has painful teeth. Last week he went to a dental school and even at the teaching facility the estimate for care is over $2,200. He needs three crowns, and Medi-Cal covers only fillings or extraction. We don’t want this man in his 20’s to have three teeth pulled.

Yes, we have immediate needs that require for your help.

How to Give

Helping HandsWould you please consider a gift today to help us help LGBTI refugees? A generous one??!

  • Give online.
    When you are at the donation page in the link, look for “Refugee Guardian Group” midway down the column of recipients.We appreciate whatever you can give, and ongoing monthly donations are especially helpful in letting us budget.
  • Send a check in.
    Please put a large “REFUGEE GUARDIAN GROUP” in the memo area so the money gets into our account. Send the check to: First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco, 1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA 94109.

Thank you for being so responsive and kind.

A Refugee Would Like to Live in San Francisco

This week we were contacted by the Jewish Family and Children Services of the East Bay asking if we could support another refugee, if they can find housing for him in the City of San Francisco.

The man is coming from Africa (the Congo?) in a couple weeks, and has expressed a desire to live in San Francisco.

Our folks are happy to welcome this new person, take him to Social Security and the other offices.

The big question is can we find housing?  If you know of any space available for 8 months for minimal rent ($200 or $250/month), please contact us!

We would very much like to help another refugee now!

Bureaucracy Works! Tunisian Gets His Green Card. Russian Given Asylum!

Two of the Guardian Group’s clients received great official news in the past week.

  • Our Tunisian asylee received his Green Card in the mail last Friday.  He is a permanent US Resident and on the path to citizenship!

    Our friend received official asylum status in October, 2012, and he was eligible to apply for a Green Card after a year.  He received his medical check ups and submitted the Green Card paperwork as soon as he could.

    Finally, last week he received the official document!


  • The 29-year-old Russian man who had been told by the Immigration Judge that he would be given asylum if he cleared his background check received official asylum status this Monday.


    He now has a two-year immigration document, permanent eligibility to work, and can apply for his Green Card in September, 2015.


We are very happy!

Russian Asylum Seeker Gets Permission to Work

The young man seeking asylum from persecution in Russia received permission to work in the United States on Friday.

He is waiting for final granting of asylum, which would also allow him to work.  But, it has been 180 days since he applied for asylum, and US law provides that people who have been waiting like him can receive permission to work.  (See more information from NoLo Press.)

We will be going to the Social Security office with him on Monday to apply for a Social Security number.

Group Accepts New Asylum Seeker

The Guardian Group voted unanimously to accept a new asylum seeker under our care.

The man is from Nigeria who has a place in San Francisco to stay right now.

We agreed to provide the man with a decent cell phone and a MUNI pass.  We plan to enroll him for Healthy San Francisco and obtain a San Francisco ID card.

He is already in contact with an organization that assists Africans with asylum seeking.